Monday 26 September 2016

AfroPunk London

Hey guys!
It has been a while, hope you are all doing great.

I attended London's first AfroPunk on the 24th September 2016, and it was amazing. I got to represent my motherland and culture on this event, along with other sisters and brothers. I have never been able to dress and go "all out" on an event like this before. So my look was inspired by a west African warrior type with the touch of the peace flower head band. For clothing I though a dashiki would be the perfect touch, and it was! However for the actual event I did change my look ...slightly. I though it would be fun to do a get ready with me video for a tribal privilege look.

Why don't you head over to my Youtube channel and check it out.
If you wish to know more about the event go over and check it out

For next week I will be uploading the actual event I attended in Alexandra Palace, London. Guys I must say it has been such an honour and privilege to be a part of such an positive event.

AfroPunk stands for equality, respect, love and unity.
So I wish you the reader a lovely evening/morning or afternoon.

My Youtube video

Monday 5 September 2016


So I decided to try out a haul today, which to my surprise was actually a lot of fun. Last summer I would spend hours upon hours online looking for an outfit for a special occasion. Thanks to the modern ways of the internet we now have YouTube. There is not a lock of hauls on YouTube, I guarantee you that. You might ask yourself, it it worth watching? I always felt like going into a shop and trying cloths on the old school way, or maybe even online shopping when I`m feeling brave. However I`ve found that watching hauls are so much more fun and if the person is similar build to you, it is much easier to click a few buttons and add that outfit to your online shopping basket. I use to spend hours wondering how an outfit would end up looking on me, which is why I am not too keen on online shopping. Even going though a mall can be daunting sometimes. The passing of mass crowds, children running up and down the shops and dare I say it people who are always in a hurry *not paying attention to you and knocking you over*, yes those people can be off-putting.

So to sum up, I have created this video to help my fellow ladies who wonder what to wear for a concert. This is a very short and fun video, and I do hope you enjoy it.
Leave me a comment if you have any questions about what you have seen in this video today!

Click here for video