Monday 8 August 2016

Make Up Tutorial Made Easy.

If you're anything like me then watching different make-up tutorials can be daunting.
Do you ever feel like no matter how many tutorials you watch, you can't master it?
Well join the club, neither can I!
So what did I do about it? Well I decided to try and simplify it my way.
My make-up in the video is a look I would use for a girls night out, or a date (been a while for me lol).

Now I'm not claming to be the next #MakeupShayla or #Amrezy, this is a simple option for simple people like me.
I will link my video at the bottom of this blog, have a look and let me know what you think, and how would you do it?

If you like any of my items displayed on the vlog, let me know and I'll send you the link and full description of the product.
I may even have the UK price tag £.

While I have your attention!
The 10th September 2016 will be an epic date you lovely ladies want to mark on your calanders.
Lovette Jallow who is the founder of BlackVogue SE, is holding a book release launch in Stockholm - Sweden.
This is event highlights black beauty, and is a must for every black girl in Europe to go and support. 
Other ways to show support is by buying the book which is available 

This is Europe's FIRST, yes you heard FIRST beauty book on black women.

Please show your support, and lets build a new empire!


Monday 1 August 2016

Urban Food Fest in Shoreditch

Here we go!
Today we are taking a trip down to Shoreditch to explore the Urban Food Fest, yay!
Everyone who knows me, knows that I am a foodie, after being a chocoholic.

Urban Food Fest are holding a food fest in Shoreditch at a parking lot which has been cleverly disguised. We have everything to please everyone, even the pickiest person on earth. We have food from most countries e.g Greece, Taiwan, Turkey, USA, Somalian, Argentinian and more. Don't make me start on the dessert and the cocktails! Follow the link below for a glimpse of what we experienced.

I must say that my plan on eating one product from every stall failed miserably...hahahah.
After the third food stall I was getting fuller and fuller, obviously we had a drink in between. C'mon!

Once we completed, well nearly completed our challenge we headed over to Liverpool Street to have 1,2,3,4,5...yes 5 cocktails followed by a tequila shot (burp*). What a fun day this was, if my liver could only stand this everyday. Once we managed to find our feet we continued down to South London to support our friend, who just released a gospel album. Maybe not the best decision after all we ate and drank!?

However after some spiritual guidance we completed the night by meeting up with our dearest friends in Stratford Rooftop Gardens. Yes, I know what you are thinking, no we didn't plan this pragmatically. 

vlog: Urban Food Fest